Camp Chaos – Exploration psychédélique - Poppers Training
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Duration: 43:57
Views: 466
Submitted: 9 months ago
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Matthew Camp's "Camp Chaos" is a meditative and provocative exploration of his formative sexual memories. Through a hybrid documentary-experimental art project, he uses sex to blend the real and fantastical in a way that seems to create an authentic and faithful portrait of the most intimate sexual landscape of a man. Time capsule on homosexual relationships and encounters in a world of post-relationships and social media, "Camp Chaos" is a timely and erotic document on how millennia treat and understand sex they have, have had, and will have. In this episode, Matthew remembers a tumultuous encounter in Hawaii, recalling the tricks and techniques of an ex-lover that made him go crazy. He also remembers the waves, sunscreen scent, and soft feet of his lover, the only ingredient he is missing is the ideal type to help reconstruct his memory. After a deep interview, Matthew meets the charming but miserable Levi Wolfe. The two have a tender and instant chemistry, sharing an intimate moment preparing their beards while joking about their sexual history before joining their bed for an intense psychedelic encounter.