The Riding Instructor: Apollo Adri and the British Bodybuilder
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Duration: 21:43
Views: 2.2K
Submitted: 7 months ago
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We all have had the fantasy of the delivery guy who arrives and gives us more than we ordered, today, our real story begins when Apolo Adri is on his way to deliver a package to Cole Keller. Cole has worked hard and built his muscular body into a competitive bodybuilder. As the competition date approaches, Cole is busy with all the last-minute details of preparation and when Apolo arrives, Cole is in the process of deciding on the perfect belt display exactly and perfect. A stranger's opinion is always welcomed with a fresh pair of eyes. Apolo is more than happy to lend his eye and opinion on what looks best and can hardly believe how much this delivery has proven to be incredible. While Cole continues to try on different belt positions, Apolo gets an incredible view of this amazing muscular ass just before him. Cole asks then if he would help him oil up, and now the real story begins.