Title: "Jake and Trevor's Gay Porn Adventure

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Duration: 22:18 Views: 4 Submitted: 1 day ago Submitted by:
Description: Jake Mathews and Trevor Brooks : Jake Mathews meets his opponent in the person of Trevor Brooks, who follows the rhythm of Trevor and wants even more! In fact, Trevor tames his overvolted libido by offering to Jake many sensual preliminaries to savour. BUT, when Trevor teases him like a fool, Jake begs to be kissed by separating his bouncy buttocks - which Trevor responds by piercing him until a state of ecstatic moaning. After giving Jake a foretaste of the kiss, Trevor takes things into his own hands by kissing his neck and after having eaten his ass cheeks, he rides Jake, using his hole to grasp this dick. He also uses his mouth in the same way, almost sucking a load of Trevor. Trevor enjoys after having plowed Jake on his back and